19.1.2024 Dynamic Group Psychotherapy – Clinical Work and Research
Kouluttajana Steinar Lorenzen
Järjestäjänä toimii Suomen Ryhmäanalyysikoulutus Oy. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen ja se järjestetään videoetäyhteydellä. Ilmoittautumislomake on tämän sivun lopussa.
9.00 Who Benefits from Group Analysis and Analytic/Dynamic Group Psychotherapy
10.30 Break
11.00 Focused Group Analytic Psychotherapy. An Integration of Clinical Experience and Research
12.30 End of workshop
PhD Steinar Lorenzen is a professor emeritus in psychiatry at the University of Oslo Norway. He has trained as a psychoanalyst and group analyst and is a founding member of the Institute of Group Analysis and Group Psychotherapy in Norway, where he was training analyst for many years. He has published book chapters, two books and numerous papers on different clinical psychiatric issues, with a particular focus on psychotherapy, psychodynamic groups and group analysis. He has for many years coordinated a Scandinavian team that ran a block-training course in Group Analysis in Vilnius Lithuania. He is a honor member of EGATIN.
Hinta 50 euroa (sis. alv 24%). Ilmoittautuminen 15.1.2024 mennessä, linkki workshopiin lähetetään osallistujille 18.1.2024.
Lisätietoja antaa Taru Kaivola, p. 050 360 2077, taru.kaivola@gmail.com
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